The Top Tips For Choosing The Right Custom Sublimated T-Shirt

When it comes to choosing the right custom sublimated t-shirt, there are a few things to consider. With the right tips, you can be sure that you are making the best choice possible. Here are the top tips for selecting the right t-shirt. First, consider the design you want on your custom sublimation shirts. Look at the design options available and decide which one is the best fit for your needs.

Second, consider the type of material used for the t-shirt. Sublimation printing requires a specific type of fabric, such as polyester, cotton, or poly-cotton blends, to accept the inks and graphics. 

Third, decide on the color of the t-shirt. This is important, as it will determine the color of the inks used in the sublimation process. Choose a color that not only complements the design but also the overall look and feel of the garment.

Fourth, choose the size of the t-shirt. This will have an impact on the overall design, as the size of the t-shirt may limit the size of the design, or it may require a larger design to fit properly. 

By following these tips, you can be sure that you are making the right choice when selecting a custom sublimated t-shirt. Just remember to keep the design, material, color, size, and cost in mind when making your decision.

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