Wills – Why they’re important and how to make a will

Wills are used mainly by people to leave heirs to their loved ones, as well as to decide how to divide what they have.

Will allow us to name someone to care for our children, or to give special gifts or expressive items to any person or group we choose. You can also include guidelines for a funeral and name the person who will fulfill your wishes. For more information about wills in New Zealand, you can explore this link.

wills New Zealand

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You may not get what you want if you don't have one of yours is invalid. This could cause financial and legal problems for our families.

How to make a Will

Are you looking to make a new will or update an existing one? A lawyer or trustee company can help you draft one. Also, a will must be witnessed and signed. A will that is not signed and witnessed correctly may not be valid.

Will don’t need to be expensive. Many lawyers will write a will for no cost, so it's worth asking around.

Instructions included in your will may include:

•          You want to support your partner, children, grandchildren, or other family members and friends.

•          Any family trust you want to leave property, money, or other assets to

•          You can leave specific bequests, such as cash payments, jewelry, or artwork, to certain family members or friends

•          You may wish to donate money to any charities or organizations

•          Specific details about how you want your funeral to be conducted

It is a smart idea to create an enduring power of attorney in chorus with a will.

Keep a copy of the will somewhere safe 

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