What is Plant Cloning and How to Do It?

Imagine one of the following scenarios: you have a plant you really like and you want to have more of it like roses, you've grown really brilliant varieties of tomatoes in your hydroponic garden and you want more, you have herbs you like to cook often and need more.

A lot, or just want to grow plants as gifts to friends and family, clone it – or biologically and participate in the development of the producing population through genetically identical individuals. If you want to know more about the cloning of cannabis plants then you must visit this site – http://primaclones.com/.

Image Source: Google.com

In simple terms, cloning is the process of reproducing or copying an entire plant from an existing plant part. You do this every time you cut it and put it in water and in fact, plants spread easily in nature this way take strawberries and their stalks as an example.

People with hydroponic systems use this method to increase the number of plants they grow for many reasons and use cloning systems to make the process easy and stress-free.

Let's take a look at the plants you propagate. What will you do to start the cloning process?

The "mother" plant must be at least 2 months old and healthy. To start a clone, cut the short growing stem with multiple branch points, or something called a growth endpoint.

The endpoint of growth is where the leaves attach to the stem. Some people recommend making the cut first and then making the 45 degrees underwater cut that ends at the endpoint. Remove the lower leaves.

There are several options for this step depending on the type of plant you are propagating. You will need a different powder/gel/liquid to clone depending on the type of plant you are cloning and the method you are using.

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