Effective Project Management With Six Sigma

Many companies are searching for a system that would enable them to achieve this goal. They are even seen to be combining systems like Total Quality Management, Total Quality Control, and Six Sigma. One combination, which has promising results, is that of Project Management with Six Sigma. You can also look for six sigma tools free online.

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There are various stages in project management where Six Sigma tools can be coordinated:

Setting Goals

The Six Sigma methodology of DMAIC provides a systematic and disciplined process for solving problems. By combining Six Sigma with project management, this stage evolves to be a good base for further stages. It involves understanding the scope and objective of the project. The tools of Six Sigma like FMEA and control plans can be useful within the project management's validation phase of the life cycle.

Measurement and Control

Estimating the costs and budgeting for the project is an important stage, because if they were approved, then it would lead to a successful implementation of the changes or improvements to the processes. Measuring and analyzing everything that is being done are the major areas where the Champion and Master Black Belt need to concentrate. Six Sigma goals are based on detailed financial data and savings.

Planning and implementation

The next stage is planning and implementation. Critical input is available which quantifies what the effect would be if the needed improvements were ignored. This is a cost-benefit analysis. Based on this input, the planning of improvements in the process is done, as well the controls on the solution solidified.

Six Sigma is a robust and continuous improvement strategy. If projects are implemented properly, aiming to give value-added output to the customer becomes ingrained into the company's culture.

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